Integrate GreenRope's Marketing Tools with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

If you currently use Microsoft CRM, we have a convenient way to link your CRM with our marketing automation engine.  Leverage GreenRope's integrated email marketing, social, mobile, web analytics, and predictive tools to get the most out of your leads and contacts.

The plugin is free for all GreenRope users and a great way for Dynamics CRM clients to access GreenRope's powerful sales and marketing solution

Download the plugin from the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace

Once you have downloaded the plugin, your network administrator can install and configure the tool to get you up and running in no time. 

Full installation instructions are available here:

The purpose of the GreenRope Microsoft Dynamics CRM synchronization tool is to push contact information quickly and easily from Microsoft Dynamics CRM to GreenRope.

Anytime a new contact is added into your Dynamics CRM, the contact is automatically synced with your GreenRope database.  Users can also retrieve GreenRope Group information from within Dynamics CRM making it easy for you to manage all of your contacts within the database. 

New Contact in Microsoft Dynamics:

Microsoft Dynamics Contacts

New contact is already in GreenRope, upon login:

Microsoft Dynamics GreenRope Contact

Manage the Connection between Dynamics CRM and GreenRope: 

greenrope CRM plugin screencap

Download the GreenRope Microsoft Dynamics CRM synchronization users guide here:

For more information about the plugin, please visit:

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